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JW Leary Junior High

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Parent Resources

At A Glance

The At A Glance is a quick guide to important phone numbers, emails and dates; please note curriculum night originally scheduled for September 15, 2021 will take place through videos linked on the website. 


Child Transportation


The drop-off loop for children coming to school by car is off of Highland Park.

During busy times drop off is at the orange cone.

Parent pick up is at the same location.

green background with red text

Here is a video that can walk you through the process and traffic flow: 

School Transportation

Here is all the information for bussing and transportation for this fall. The bus routes are also listed with bus numbers.


The only times available are what times the busses leave the garage to start their route. Based on that information and following the stops, that would be a great way to find your approximate timing to be at the bus stop. They cannot give definite times so I would definitely have your child there earlier rather than later until you get a better feel of what time the bus keeps showing up.


December 2020 Tragedy Information Letters  

December 2020 Tragedy Resources