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JW Leary Junior High

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Clubs & Activities

Student Activity Calendar
Where Everybody Belongs (WEB)
WEB, which stands for Where Everybody Belongs is a junior high orientation and transition program that welcomes 7th graders to the building and pairs them with 8th grade WEB Leaders to make them feel comfortable throughout their first year of junior high. WEB is a year long program that is based on the belief that students can help other students succeed. The WEB year starts in March when eighth grade students are recommended by teachers and go through a selection process that includes submitting an application, meeting with the WEB coordinators and then participating in some fun activities. Once chosen, WEB Leaders attend training days during the summer and then help the Coordinators run an orientation program at the beginning of the school year. During the course of the year, WEB Leaders push into student advisories to complete academic follow ups and give seventh grade students strategies that will help them experience success during their first year of junior high. Leaders and students also participate in quite a few social events such as a back to school dance, hiking Azure Mountain, cookie decorating, a food drive, and more to connect with each other socially and promote a positive school climate. 
Jr. High Robotics
Team members of robotics design, build, program, and operate robots to compete in head to head competition. We compete in the “first Tech Challenge” presented by FIRST robotics. This program allows students who are critical thinkers, problem solvers, and hands on learners to be part of a team and build cool robots! 
Jr. High Student Council
The student council of JW Leary, hopes to create a school environment that will inspire, develop, and motivate student creativity and involvement in school activities. The purpose of the student council is for the betterment of the school atmosphere and to ensure student rights, liberties, and responsibilities.
Jr. High Yearbook
Yearbook club gives students experience in print media publishing.  This group works toward the completion of the JW Leary Junior High School Yearbook. Being involved with Yearbook Club allows students experience in photography, computer design and writing creatively that combine to create a yearbook that captures the memories of the school year. This includes taking pictures, selecting backgrounds, fonts, page layouts, and the cover, proofreading names and text, photo selection, and organizing and distributing marketing materials.
Jr. High Green Team
Students would learn ways to make school and community environmentally friendly.  The students would learn about composting, about local plants, animals and recycling.  The students would learn about eating and buying local foods and plant/maintain a school garden.  This group would meet twice a month.  They would also like to do fundraising for possible trips and activities.

Mohawk Club

The Junior High School Mohawk Club provides Native American students with access to Mohawk Language and Culture and Traditional Teachings. The club works to give students the opportunity to express their interests and ask questions about their history through various activities that are offered within the school. Additionally there is a focus on strengthening the Mohawk culture within the school through speakers/artists/workshops. The club oversees the facilitation of the ‘Saplings to Cedar” talking circle to the boys & young men.